In the beginning of this month we drove to Trondheim, Norway for a quick show visit, a really nice trip that ended with some nice results for our young Jocose Case in Point "Terra".
International show, judge Perttu Ståhlberg, Finland
Good feminine head and expression. Good neck and back. Well angulated. The ribcage still needs to develope. Correct coat. Moves well. Good tail. Nice temperament.
Norwegian Spaniel Club, judge Stephanie Walsh
18 months. Excellent type. Good balanced head. Nice expression. Good topline and tail carriage. Correct ribcage.
I skiftet juni/juli gjorde vi en blixtvisit till Trondheim, Norge, en mycket trevlig tur som slutade med fina resultat för vår unga Jocose Case in Point "Terra".
Internationell utställning, domare Perttu Ståhlberg, Finland
Ck, Cert, CACIB, BIM
Bra feminint hode og uttrykk. Bra hals og rygg. Velvinklat. Brystkassen skal enda utvikles. Korr pels. Rører seg med bra steg. Bra svans. Trivelig temp.
Norsk Spanielklubb, domare Stephanie Walsh
Ck, Cert, BIM
18 månader. Utmärkt typ. Bra balanserat huvud. Bra uttryck. Bra överlinje och välburen svans. Korrekt bröstkorg.