New homes? / Nya hem?

So this is the yellow bitch, also called Belle. She is the last puppy from this litter that is looking for her own home. She is the darkest in the litter, loves to learn new things and sweet as sugar!

Detta är den gula tiken, också kallad Belle. Hon är den sista valpen från denna kull som letar efter ett eget hem. Hon är mörkast i kullen, älskar att lära sig saker och bara söt som socker!

The latest puppy to move was Hai, he now livs in the south part of Sweden and we look forward to hear more about his new life.

Den senaste att flytta hemifrån var Hai, han bor numera i södra Sverige och vi ser fram emot uppdatering om hans nya liv.

Posted in IWS and tagged , , , , .

One Comment

  1. Hi my name is Margaret and I live in Ireland. ..
    I have grown up with springer spaniels n love the bred…
    Myself and my husband David are looking for a dog to join our family of three we have a little girl Amelia Rose.
    We live in the country and have a farm. We are located right beside the west coast, Co. Clare.
    We are very much out door people. Myself and my daughter walk a lot in all types of weather.
    I like T4 the yellow bitch.
    I got your information from the Irish Water Spaniel club.
    My email is or mobile 353872389502.
    How much are you looking for?

    Thank you and I look forward to hear from you.
    Kind regards,
    Margaret Hume-Fahy

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