Tag Archives: Joy
The girls / Flickorna
We brought the girls to the beach just a couple of days after they had arrived to take some pictures of just them together. They had a blast just running around in the sand, and jumping in the water puddles, sniffing around and playing. Feels like my and their mothers favorite spot will be theirs too in the future, but we will take it slow since the waves can be quite big sometimes and I want them to feel secure in the water before they have to swim through them.
We made it!
Den 24 maj kom äntligen våra efterlängtade engelska importer hem! 3 väldigt lovande individer som förhoppningsvis kommer vara delaktiga i aveln framöver, men först ska de leka, busa och växa upp till fina, högt älskade familjemedlemmar. Vi har nu börjat få kläm på varandra och de har alla väldigt fina personligheter och vi är för evigt tacksamma till min vän Judith Carruthers, kennel Stanegate, som sett till att detta kunde gå från en dröm till verklighet. Trots COVID-19, lockdown x flera, resestopp genom länder, BREXIT och resekrångel gav vi aldrig upp och nu hoppas vi att det i framtiden kommer göra gott för vår vackra ras här i Sverige.
May 24th was the day when our English imports finally put their paws on Swedish ground! 3 very promising puppies that we hope will be part of our future breeding program, but before that they will play, jump and grow up to nice looking, highly loved family members. As of now we have got the hang of each other and have seen their lovely personality’s. We will be forever grateful that my friend Judith Carruthers, Stanegate irish water spaniels, made this dream come true. Despite COVID-19, several lockdowns, closed borders in many countries, BREXIT and trouble with the transportation back home we never gave up, so lets hope that this will be the beginning of an new era for the breed here in Sweden.